Talking About Money

When I first started Generation Citizen, as a senior at Brown, my primary concern with making it a full-fledged non-profit was fundraising- I had no idea how to do it, and the concept seemed terrifying to me, especially in the midst of the financial collapse.  The only reason that GC got off the ground (and… Continue reading Talking About Money

Challenges of Consensus

Working at Generation Citizen has been, by far, one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. This is the first time I have ever had an opportunity to teach in a classroom, which is extremely helpful for my chosen field of education. I enjoy going to see my students every session and hearing… Continue reading Challenges of Consensus

March DCs of the Month

Time to introduce our March Democracy Coaches of the Month! BOSTON DC OF THE MONTH: PETER PETRIN, STUDENT AT NORTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY What brought you to GC? I originally found the Generation Citizen model appealing based on my interests in politics and service. I also found myself seeking opportunities to better understand the issues and challenges… Continue reading March DCs of the Month

Summer Intern Opportunities

Generation Citizen Intern Position Descriptions Summer 2013 Mission: Generation Citizen strengthens our nation’s democracy by empowering young people to become engaged and effective citizens, starting now. What we do: To fulfill our mission, we partner college students with classroom teachers to teach an action-civics course in which teens solve problems they face in their own… Continue reading Summer Intern Opportunities