Event Series Launch: Equity in Civics

This week, Generation Citizen kicked off our #EquityInCivics event series with our first national conversation, “#WeAreGenC: Advancing Equity in Civics”, co-hosted with our colleagues at the Children’s Defense Fund. We were thrilled to welcome Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson of the Children’s Defense Fund, Atlanta-based youth activist Royce Carter Mann, and Boston University professor Dr. Hardin… Continue reading Event Series Launch: Equity in Civics

What is the future of democracy, according to our community leaders?

In the last two months, Generation Citizen New England, Oklahoma, Texas, California, and New York held incredible events in our community conversation series “The Future of Democracy is…” With the help of their Local Area Boards, Associate Boards, and GC supporters all around their regions, they hosted panels of students, teachers, and local leaders to… Continue reading What is the future of democracy, according to our community leaders?

Action Civics Education Is Patriotic

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] The democratic experiment of America, as Alexis de Tocqueville argues, depends in large part on the quality of how we associate with one another, how we address our common challenges: how we regard one another in public moments — as well as our private ones.  Associating with one… Continue reading Action Civics Education Is Patriotic

Ethnic studies is key for robust civic and community engagement

By John Trasviña, California Executive Director As California schools re-open online and ultimately in person, two upcoming education decisions in Sacramento will define schools’ role to prepare students for our diverse democracy. In recent years, we have asked more and more of our teachers and schools to prepare students on science and technology literacy and… Continue reading Ethnic studies is key for robust civic and community engagement

Testimony by DeNora Getachew, New York Executive Director, to the New York State Legislature

New York State Legislative Hearing Elections in a Pandemic: A Review of the 2020 Primaries August 11, 2020 Good Afternoon Senators and Assembly Members, Thank you for the opportunity to testify before you today at this public hearing on the 2020 Primary Elections. I am the New York Executive Director at Generation Citizen. Generation Citizen… Continue reading Testimony by DeNora Getachew, New York Executive Director, to the New York State Legislature

Generation Citizen Condemns Trump Administration’s Directive to Exclude Undocumented Americans from 2020 Census Count

Generation Citizen (GC) strongly condemns President Trump’s directive ordering the Commerce Secretary to exclude undocumented Americans from being counted in the 2020 U.S. Census.  As an organization that works with thousands of students whose families and communities would be adversely impacted by the President’s order, we are deeply concerned about the implications of this policy… Continue reading Generation Citizen Condemns Trump Administration’s Directive to Exclude Undocumented Americans from 2020 Census Count

Testimony by DeNora Getachew, New York Executive Director on Remote Learning: The Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the City’s Schools

Thank you for the opportunity to submit testimony on behalf of Generation Citizen (“GC”) at today’s Education Committee hearing. My name is DeNora Getachew, and I am the New York Executive Director at Generation Citizen (“GCNY”).  Overview of Generation Citizen & Action Civics  GC is a ten year-old national, nonpartisan nonprofit dedicated to demystifying democracy… Continue reading Testimony by DeNora Getachew, New York Executive Director on Remote Learning: The Impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) on the City’s Schools