Ellie’s Eight Grade Endeavors, Episode 5: The End of an Era

[one_half] [/one_half] [one_half_last] GC’s very own FAO Schwarz Fellow Ellie Sanchez is currently teaching the GC Core Program to an 8th grade class at the Joseph Lee K-8 School in Dorchester, MA. While Ellie’s primary job is to be Boston’s Program Associate, she’s also stepped into the shoes of our Democracy Coaches to teach a… Continue reading Ellie’s Eight Grade Endeavors, Episode 5: The End of an Era

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Redefining Politics in 2016

This past July, I traveled to East Africa and met up with a Tanzanian friend, Linda Simon, a Mandela Fellow from the Obama Administration’s Young African Leaders Initiative program, who I met during the previous summer. Linda, who somehow has managed to become a doctor and start her own community development organization before the age… Continue reading Redefining Politics in 2016

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Q&A with Jasmine Heyward, Greater Boston College Student Changemaker Fall 2015

 Name, college, school where you are a DC, year in school, hometown Jasmine Heyward, Northeastern University, Joseph Lee School in Dorchester, first year, Fredericksburg, VA Describe the issue your class is addressing this semester. My class is focusing on student engagement within their school as a way to lower youth violence. We have four groups each… Continue reading Q&A with Jasmine Heyward, Greater Boston College Student Changemaker Fall 2015

Q&A with Michael Andrews, Greater Boston College Teacher ChangeMaker Fall 2015

My name is Michael Andrews. I currently teach 6 and 7th grade Humanities and Resource Support classes at the Josiah Quincy Upper School.  I grew up in Milford, a small town in Southern New Hampshire. After graduating through the public schools there, I attended Assumption College in Worcester MA. I graduated with a BA in… Continue reading Q&A with Michael Andrews, Greater Boston College Teacher ChangeMaker Fall 2015

Ellie’s Eighth Grade Endeavors, Episode 4: Don’t Cry Over Spilled Water

[one_half] [/one_half] [one_half_last] GC’s very own FAO Schwarz Fellow Ellie Sanchez is currently teaching the GC Core Program to an 8th grade class at the Joseph Lee K-8 School in Dorchester, MA. While Ellie’s primary job is to be Boston’s Program Associate, she’s also stepped into the shoes of our Democracy Coaches to teach a… Continue reading Ellie’s Eighth Grade Endeavors, Episode 4: Don’t Cry Over Spilled Water

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