Why Lowering the Voting Age Could Matter for NYC

In February, Generation Citizen’s NYC Site Director, Sarah Andes, wrote an important article for City Limits concerning the recent election of Mayor de Blasio and the civic engagement of New York City’s young people. De Blasio, in a radio interview on ‘The Brian Lehrer Show” communicated his opinion prior to his election that Mayor Bloomberg… Continue reading Why Lowering the Voting Age Could Matter for NYC

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Lessons on the Path to Change

I was twelve. My brother Charlie and I walked side-by-side carrying infant diapers and plastic shopping bags overflowing with powdered baby formula to our car parked around the corner from the crisis pregnancy center in Rahway, New Jersey. It was May 15th and our family of five became seven that day. We adopted Anton and… Continue reading Lessons on the Path to Change

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Testimony to the MA Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education

February 20, 2014 The majority of young Americans are disillusioned with our government.  More than half of young people generally do not vote in national elections and are unknowledgeable as to how it pertains to the political process.  Many youth want to help improve their communities, yet do not see the political process as a… Continue reading Testimony to the MA Dept of Elementary and Secondary Education

To Change the Status Quo, We Need to Change Who’s in Charge

It’s often said that those in social change work are “trying to change the status quo.”  It’s why we do the work.  We live in a country in which the vast majority of the population lives paycheck to paycheck, if a paycheck even exists.  And so, as we build our organizations, whether engaging in direct… Continue reading To Change the Status Quo, We Need to Change Who’s in Charge

Broad-based NYC Coalition Urges the Mayor to Prioritize Youth Civic Engagement

M E M O R A N D U M  TO:     Mayor Bill de Blasio CC:      Carmen Fariña Letitia James RE:      Youth Civic Engagement On behalf of youth-serving organizations from across New York City, we would like to congratulate you on your resounding victory to become the city’s mayor.  It is clear… Continue reading Broad-based NYC Coalition Urges the Mayor to Prioritize Youth Civic Engagement

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Who Gets to Determine Impact?

The 50-year anniversary of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty has sparked a fury of analyses on its efficacy in actually ending poverty.  Some say that progress has barely been made, as evidenced by the fact that the poverty rate has only gone down slightly (from 19 percent to 15 percent), while 46 million Americans… Continue reading Who Gets to Determine Impact?

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Shifting Perspective at Creative Arts Charter School

Hello, everyone! My name is Tina Celani and I am studying Communication at the University of San Francisco (USF). I completed around forty hours of service work with eighth grade students at Creative Arts Charter School for Generation Citizen, and my experience at this school was life-changing not only for me, but for my students… Continue reading Shifting Perspective at Creative Arts Charter School