Gee(k), I love politics!

“I’msuchahugefan! It’ssonicetomeetyou! I’vebeenafanofyourclimatepolicyforsolong!  MayIbeacompletedorkandgetaphotowithyou?”  As I gushed, I’m pretty sure it all came out in one long word.  Senate Candidate Ed Markey was very kind, saying it was nice to meet me too, and obliged me with a picture.  After the fact, Christina, our New Sector Fellow in the office this summer, assured me that… Continue reading Gee(k), I love politics!

GC to Receive Funding from Knight Foundation

Today, we’re excited to announce that Generation Citizen has received a transformative grant of $190,000 from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation to both evaluate and expand our work.  We are truly grateful to the Knight Foundation for taking a chance on us, and believing in action civics.  See the press release below from… Continue reading GC to Receive Funding from Knight Foundation

Introducing our new Brand.

Almost four years ago, when we started Generation Citizen (which actually was first called the Generation Citizenship Project…I would say we had a positive name change), we weren’t thinking much about our brand. With very little guidance, the estimable Curt Fitzpatrick, a graphic designer who I worked with back in my Darfur activism days, designed… Continue reading Introducing our new Brand.

DCs of the Month

Looking back at April, a big month for us at GC as classes go deep into taking action, we’d like to recognize the following Democracy Coaches for their empowering work and dedication. NEW YORK DC OF THE MONTH: RINA KATTAN, STUDENT AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY   What brought you to GC? After Rocky Solomon, a former… Continue reading DCs of the Month