Generation Citizen 2021 Annual Report

Dear Friends, 

Generation Citizen is proud to publish our annual report covering July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, centered on the theme Equity in Action. This report is organized around GC’s core values so that you can see our principles in action. 

In a year of continued societal challenges, your support and partnership have helped further Generation Citizen’s efforts to build an education movement that equips and inspires young people to engage as active and informed citizens. We are especially thankful to our students and teachers for their resilience and dedication to this vital work, through an ongoing pandemic.  

We hope this year’s Annual Report helps bring to life our mission and impact that your support has made possible.

Thank you for your commitment to our work at Generation Citizen. Together, we are activating a movement of young people prepared to create and lead a more just, participatory, and inclusive democracy. Make a gift to help us reach more young people today

With gratitude,

Elizabeth Clay Roy
CEO, Generation Citizen

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