Mr. O’Brien’s class from the High School for Law, Advocacy, and Community Justice celebrates their Class Change Maker award for their work to address the school to prison pipeline.
We are inspired by how Civics Day shines a spotlight on the incredible student leaders emerging across New York, as well as the incredible community of champions who support their learning and civic leadership. Join us in celebrating the many stars of our fall 2019 Civics Day in New York!
- Levon Thomas
- Theater Arts Production Company School, 12th grade
- Generation Citizen Project: Gun Violence
- Brittanie Mata-Ontiveros
- Union Square Academy for Health Sciences, 11th grade
- Generation Citizen Project: Equitable Policing
- DeRay Mckesson, educator, author, civil rights activist and host of Pod Save the People
- Lauren Duca, author of “How to Start a Revolution”
- Council Member Antonio Reynoso
As we celebrate the success of all our students who took action to make a difference in their community this semester, we’re especially excited to share the award winning projects that were most notable to our Community Advisors:
- Class Change Maker Award:
- Students: Mr. O’Brien’s class at High School for Law, Advocacy, and Community Justice
- Democracy Coach: Devashish Basnet
- Topic: School to Prison Pipeline
- Grassroots Change Award:
- Students: Mr. Hargrove’s class at I.S. 145 Joseph Pulitzer School
- Democracy Coach: Salma Elhassa
- Topic: Litter in Jackson Heights
- Systemic Impact Award:
- Students: Mr. Torres’ class at Belmont Preparatory High School
- Democracy Coach: Madalyn Stewart and Rachel Arms
- Topic: Environmental Sustainability – installing solar panels on their school
- Collaboration and Diversity Award:
- Students: Mr. Chovnick and Mr. Roberts class at New Visions Charter HS
- Topic: Removing Gates on School Windows
- Action Award:
- Students: Mr Edelman’s class at Union Square Academy
- Topic: How the Impact of Testing Limits Authentic Learning
- Open Mindedness Award:
- Students: Mr. Herman’s class at the Institute for Health Professions at Cambria Heights
- Democracy Coach: Jasjeet Kaur
- Topic: Domestic Violence
- Class Change Maker:
- Students: Ms. Husson’s class at Stephen T. Mather Building Arts & Craftsmanship High School
- Topic: Air Quality in Low-Income Communities
- Grassroots Change:
- Students: Ms. Ighobaro’s class at Ebbets Field Middle School
- Democracy Coach: Justin Matos
- Topic: Excessive force by police
- Systemic Impact Award:
- Students: Mr. Bednar’s class at Queens Preparatory Academy
- Topic: Lack of Work Opportunities for Teens in Queens
- Collaboration and Diversity Award:
- Students: Mr. Katz and Mr. Gutierrez’s class at I.S. 528 Bea Fuller Rodgers School
- Democracy Coach: Laura Hoya Noel and Aaron Wuchterl
- Topic: After School Programming
- Action Award:
- Students: Ms. Pastore’s class at Theatre Arts Production Company School
- Topic: Lack of Youth Employment/Internship Opportunities
- Open Mindedness Award:
- Students: Ms. Tweedy’s class at Bronx Studio School for Writers and Artists
- Topic: Missing Attention Towards Prevention and Consent within DoE Regulations for Sexual Harassment