Generation Citizen has partnered with The Body Shop on a new global campaign, Be Seen Be Heard

Together, The Body Shop and the United Nations Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth are launching the global campaign ‘Be Seen. Be Heard’ to change the state of young people’s representation in public life in over 75 countries. New global report released 76% of young people in the US think current political systems need drastic reforms to be fit… Continue reading Generation Citizen has partnered with The Body Shop on a new global campaign, Be Seen Be Heard

For Immediate Release: Elizabeth Clay Roy receives Black Voices for Black Justice award

The Black Voices for Black Justice Fund recently announced that Elizabeth Clay Roy, Generation Citizen CEO, has received the organization’s leadership award, which supports Black leaders advancing racial justice.   Elizabeth is being recognized for lifelong leadership and commitment to civic engagement and social change initiatives. Now CEO of Generation Citizen, Elizabeth is committed to building… Continue reading For Immediate Release: Elizabeth Clay Roy receives Black Voices for Black Justice award

Rhode Island youth lead in civics education advocacy efforts

During the 2022 Rhode Island Civic Learning Week, Rhode Island Civic Learning Coalition (RICLC) Youth Fellows made the case for meaningful project-based civic learning opportunities for all Rhode Islanders. Generation Citizen New England is a convening member of RICLC and supports the fellows in the development of their civics skills. In addition to Civic Learning… Continue reading Rhode Island youth lead in civics education advocacy efforts