Rhode Island Elected Officials Take National Lead on Civics Education

Local Non-profit Generation Citizen Lauds Sen. Whitehouse and Rep. Cicilline for their Role in Promoting Civics in Federal Education Bill ________________________________________________________________________ -Providence, RI-   In July, the United States House and Senate passed new versions of the principal federal education bill, known as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. While the bills, vastly different forms,… Continue reading Rhode Island Elected Officials Take National Lead on Civics Education

My Adventures in Democracy

– David Pechefsky   Recently, GC has embarked on a project in which we ask ourself #WhyGC. Where to start? I have been working in government/politics/democracy building for close to 20 years. Back in 1996 I was an intern in the office of Brooklyn Council Member Steve Dibrienza. This was when Mayor Giuliani’s administration was… Continue reading My Adventures in Democracy

Does Civics Cross Borders?

As I’ve talked about extensively, the idea for Generation Citizen initially came about after my observing emerging democracies at work resulted in a realization that the American democracy needed a youth revitalization. Specifically, observing the successful 2002 Kenyan elections as a fifteen year old showed me the power of individuals coming together to make a… Continue reading Does Civics Cross Borders?

GC Launches Demand-Building Efforts Through Advocacy Briefing Webinar

Generation Citizen is excited to share a recording of our Advocacy Briefing Webinar, which focused on our newest workstream: building demand for action civics. We were thrilled to be joined by Ford Foundation Program Officer Sanjiv Rao. In addition to continuing to strengthen and grow our direct programming, GC will now engage in targeted advocacy… Continue reading GC Launches Demand-Building Efforts Through Advocacy Briefing Webinar

From Pebble Beach to East Flatbush

A few weeks ago, I spent Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at a luxurious hotel located on the Pebble Beach Golf Course near Monterrey, California. My mornings comprised of runs along ocean-side cliffs with stunning vistas, and my days consisted of vigorous intellectual conversations about the lack of constituency voice in social entrepreneurial ventures, and the… Continue reading From Pebble Beach to East Flatbush

From One Semester to Another: Leaving My Comfort Zone Behind

By Katherine Dillon   My first semester at Fordham University was much like that of those portrayed in movies and TV shows – I was almost always learning, meeting new people, or simply in a state of awe at the newness of everything.   I had so often heard before leaving for college that my… Continue reading From One Semester to Another: Leaving My Comfort Zone Behind

Follow the Action

Generation Citizen is making huge strides as we move into the spring of this year, and below you can find a few of our recent newsletters detailing this exciting growth. Click the following button if you would like to subscribe to GC’s mailing list to receive updates, good news, and event information! Sign Up Now [one_half]… Continue reading Follow the Action

What’s So Great About Young Founders?

What’s So Great About Young Founders? – Scott Warren   Last Friday, the author Robin Black penned a New York Times op-ed entitled, “What’s So Great About Young Writers,” rallying against a culture that she feels unfairly rewards youth, rather than merit. Describing her path to becoming an emerging writer in her late forties, she… Continue reading What’s So Great About Young Founders?