Two girls boston civics day sp16

The worst of it all is that I don’t know if tonight I’ll die, or tomorrow, or the day after that. When I’m coming home from school, I’m not thinking about what assignments are due tomorrow, I’m thinking about whether or not I’ll live to see a tomorrow. I’m tired. I’m tired of living in fear, I’m tired of having to walk over the blood shed on the pavement, I’m tired of watching the youth die in my community, and I’m tired of praying, my knees hurt. So I’m standing up, and so are others, who are ready to fight for justice! This is politics.”
– Brian Foster, GC Massachusetts Spring 2016 Student ChangeMaker

At Generation Citizen’s Spring 2016 Civics Day on Friday May 13th, over 350 students from Boston, Malden, Brockton, Arlington, Newton, and Lowell took their first step in becoming lifelong active citizens by presenting their action civics projects from the Generation Citizen semester. Some inspiration:


  • Overall ChangeMakers: Lowell High School, Lowell- Address the opioid crisis by instituting a city ordinance that allows addicts to go to police to seek treatment
  • Overall ChangeMakers: Lyndon K-8, Boston- Address school district budget cuts by convincing state Representatives and Senators to support education funding reforms
  • Grassroots Change Award: F.A. Day Middle School, Newton -Address student stress by convincing school administrators to change backpack policy and allow students to carry backpacks
  • Systemic Impact Award: Excel High School, Boston- Address school district budget cuts by opposing lifting the cap on charter schools
  • Collaboration & Diversity Award: Malden High School, Malden – Address police-community tensions by working with the police department to institute a police-community task force to improve trust in the police
  • Action Award: Lowell High School, Lowell – Address dropouts due to teen pregnancy by convincing school administrators to create customized graduation plans and other support services for teen mothers
  • Open-mindedness Award: Brockton High School, Brockton – Address youth homelessness by advocating for city funding to go specifically towards a youth homeless shelter