Young people showed up, spoke out, and their voices were heard loud and clear in San Francisco, giving the city’s voters an historic opportunity this November to approve a charter amendment lowering the voting age to 16 for local elections. The Board of Supervisors voted 9-2 to place the measure on the ballot, a result directly impacted by powerful testimony from young people at a hearing May 3.

Nearly 100 young people and adult allies spoke in support of the proposal at the May 3 hearing, sharing personal perspectives on how letting 16- and 17-year-olds vote can help the city thrive. Their testimony showed that 16- and 17-year-olds are ready to vote and eager to actively participate in democracy. As one young advocate said, “We’re ready to vote. We’re just waiting to be able to.”

The Board of Supervisors’ vote to put the measure on the ballot is the next step in a string of inspiring victories for the Vote16SF campaign, including unanimous support from the Board of Education, a resolution of support from the local Democratic Party, and endorsements from several prominent politicians and organizations.

Nearly 100 young people and adult allies spoke in support of Vote16SF at a Board of Supervisors hearing on the issue May 3.

A passionate rally set the stage for powerful testimony at a Board of Supervisors hearing May 3.

Video of the May 3 hearing is here, and starts at 3:09. Be sure to check out for more, and follow the campaign on Twitter!