Generation Citizen Providence Students Lobby to Prevent Youth Smoking

“This bill helps raise the age of tobacco buying, from 18 to 21. Why? Have you ever walked down a street and noticed how many people are actually smoking? As a child, people don’t think my opinion matters, but it does… If you vote to raise the age, then I don’t have to worry.” -Generation… Continue reading Generation Citizen Providence Students Lobby to Prevent Youth Smoking

Generation Citizen Students Make Homeless Awareness Day in Rhode Island Happen

Today is National Homeless Awareness Day in Rhode Island. Generation Citizen Students Made It Happen! “We, the students of DelSesto Middle School, are writing this letter to ask for your support concerning homeless awareness. Our goal is to motivate the General Assembly to officially create an Annual Homeless Awareness Day for the state of Rhode… Continue reading Generation Citizen Students Make Homeless Awareness Day in Rhode Island Happen