Every other week, GC picks out a selection of articles that are relevant to our work and to the civic education space as a whole. We at GC love to expand our learning in every aspect of what we do, and we hope you enjoy our selections!


Our star student was honored by Michelle Obama, but he felt like a fraud. Now, we’re rethinking everything: Chalkbeat: When Anthony Mendez, an former GC student an apparent personification of GC’s potential impact, attended the State of the Union as the First Lady’s guest, he was actually about to drop out of college. What does it mean that GC celebrated Anthony’s success while he felt like a failure? Read more about the questions this article raises. July 25, 2016


How technology disrupted the truth, theguardian: As social media continues rising and our news sources become less top-down, opinions and facts grow convoluted and the truth becomes elusive. How does this shift influence the way we understand the news? July 12, 2016


Virgins, Booze and American Elections, NY Times: In the 19th Century, young people eagerly engaged in politics, excited to cast their “virgin vote.” After 1900, America’s youth participation plummeted. This article highlights engaging aspects of politics in the 1800s that can be used to increase involvement today. Although this post is from April 2016, it is still relevant and fascinating! April 8, 2016


Only 9% of America Chose Trump and Clinton as the Nominees, NY Times: An animated breakdown of the American population shows eligible voters, how they voted, and how many votes are still up for grab come November 8th. August 1, 2016


The Long-Term Effects of Social-Justice Education on Black Students, The Atlantic: This article explores the results of a study from Pennsylvania State University on the effects of social-justice education on black students. July 19, 2016