What We’re Reading

Every other week, GC picks out a selection of articles that are relevant to our work and to the civics education space as a whole. We at GC love to expand our learning in every aspect of what we do, and we hope you enjoy our selections!   The Snapchat Cohort gets into Politics, and… Continue reading What We’re Reading

Civic Talk: Ideological Bubbles

Civic Talk is an ongoing blog series from Generation Citizen where we offer our perspectives on political, cultural, and global news through the lens of civic action and education, and share the articles and resources that have helped to shape our understanding. Our latest report,“Education Paves the Road to Sustained Democracy,” highlights that meaningful interactions… Continue reading Civic Talk: Ideological Bubbles

The Ironies, Messiness, and Surprises of Democracy: Lessons in Citizenship

The Ironies, Messiness, and Surprises of Democracy: Lessons in Citizenship Dr. Sylvia Rousseau, Professor of Clinical Education, USC Rossier School of Education and Generation Citizen Board Member The political events of January 2017 provide a trove of lessons about citizenship and democracy. At a moment in our national life in which elements of our democracy seemed… Continue reading The Ironies, Messiness, and Surprises of Democracy: Lessons in Citizenship

Categorized as Blog

Shifting the Age Curve: A Smart Approach to Increasing Voter Turnout

We have a voter participation crisis in the United States – most agree on this. The US ranks 31st out of 35 OECD countries in voter turnout. In the 2016 election, four out of ten eligible voters did not cast a ballot, similar to the rate in 2012. Turnout in midterm and local elections is… Continue reading Shifting the Age Curve: A Smart Approach to Increasing Voter Turnout


Generation Citizen’s Trivia for Changemakers 4th Annual Trivia Fundraiser Thursday, March 23 2017, 6:30pm-9:00pm Microsoft NERD Center, Kendall Square, 1 Memorial Drive, Suite 100, Cambridge, MA 02142 Test your trivia mettle in this exclusive best-of-Boston matchup, pitting teams from Boston’s industries against competitors in their sector to see who can clinch the grand ChangeMaker’s Cup. For a critical cause: every… Continue reading TRIVIA FOR CHANGEMAKERS

What We’re Reading

Every other week, GC picks out a selection of articles that are relevant to our work and to the civic education space as a whole. We at GC love to expand our learning in every aspect of what we do, and we hope you enjoy our selections!   25 ways to be politically active (whether… Continue reading What We’re Reading

This is what we do.

Samantha Kubota shares why she is a Generation Citizen Democracy Coach at Boston University. I’m a Social Studies Education major – an explanation of why an organization like Generation Citizen (GC) caught my attention is a biography of my life, literally. GC is essentially my past, present and future. It encapsulates everything about my identity… Continue reading This is what we do.

Categorized as Blog

New report: Education Paves the Road to Sustained Democracy

Trite scandals and the saturation of falsities overshadowed substantial policy debate during the 2016 presidential election. Most Americans, irrespective of political affiliation, felt frustration and fatigue as a result. The presidential election season underscored a lack of meaningful civic and political knowledge and participation and accentuated the continual and dangerous deemphasis of local government. While… Continue reading New report: Education Paves the Road to Sustained Democracy

What We’re Reading

Every other week, GC picks out a selection of articles that are relevant to our work and to the civic education space as a whole. We at GC love to expand our learning in every aspect of what we do, and we hope you enjoy our selections!   The Remedy for the Spread of Fake… Continue reading What We’re Reading