Resources for Educators in Response to the Insurrection in Washington

Dear GC Community, We cannot ignore the insurrection on Capitol Hill on Wednesday. We need to do the uncomfortable work to make meaning of this assault on democracy and name the truths we see. That includes the fact that while this action was uniquely brazen, it was not isolated. There are important actions that must… Continue reading Resources for Educators in Response to the Insurrection in Washington

PRESS RELEASE: Generation Citizen Announces New CEO

For Immediate Release:Thursday, December 10, 2020 Contact:Matt Davis 526 9530 Generation Citizen Announces New CEO: Elizabeth Clay Roy  The National Action Civics Organization Embraces New Leadership To Meet A New Moment For American Democracy   (New York, NY, For Immediate Release) — Generation Citizen is thrilled to announce its new CEO, Elizabeth Clay Roy, an experienced and collaborative… Continue reading PRESS RELEASE: Generation Citizen Announces New CEO

Welcoming our new CEO: Elizabeth Clay Roy

I hope this note finds you all safe and healthy in these challenging times for our country. As we close out 2020, I continue to believe that effective civics education is a paramount solution to the many challenges that affect our democracy. I’m grateful that all of you are part of the Generation Citizen community-… Continue reading Welcoming our new CEO: Elizabeth Clay Roy

A better democracy starts in our schools

By Scott Warren, CEO We know it’s been a long few days, weeks and months in this country, full of uncertainty, stress, and celebration. We’ve seen democracy at its best, as individuals have come together to collectively engage in the political process in record numbers. And we’ve seen democracy at its worst, as some have… Continue reading A better democracy starts in our schools

Count Every Vote

By Scott Warren, CEO We knew the presidential election would probably not be decided on election night. Democracy is about ensuring that every individual has the opportunity to ensure their voice is heard. And so in the days and weeks ahead, Generation Citizen will push, as hard as we can, to ensure all votes are… Continue reading Count Every Vote